Thursday, September 22, 2011

English assignment

Exposition: The exposition in the movie Dumbo is when Ms. Jumbo gets her baby elephants, Dumbo. All the other lady elephant make fun of him because of his huge ears.

Rising Action: The Rising Action is when Dumbo's mom gets locked up for protecting Dumbo from the mean kids visiting the circus. Dumbo is really sad that he can't see his mother. Also, Dumbo trips over his ears and knocks over a bunch of elephants. As punishment the circus men made him onto a clown.

Climax: Dumbo makes a friend (a mouse) and the mouse wants to make him the star of the show. They give him a "special feather" (which really has no effect) that dumbo thinks can help him fly with his huge ears! Dumbo learns to fly and astonishes everyone! He becomes the star of the show!

Falling Action: They release Dumbo's mom and Dumbo becomes famous world wide!

Resolution: Dumbo goes from circus to circus showing off his amazing talent and he lives happily ever after.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Life as a Gymnast

Gymnastics is a breath-taking, butt-kicking, unbelievable sport. If you think gymnastics is easy, think again. It is the toughest sport in the world. Not only does it work your body physically it works your brain mentally. You have to think about what you are doing at all times. You always need to pay attention to your form. Point your toes, straighten your knees, lock your arms and many more. If you don't, you can, at times, severely hurt yourself. It's very hard juggling in homework and gymnastics into your schedule. Especially when you get into the higher levels. Then, it increases your gymnastics schedule. You also have to deal with injuries that can cause you to miss out on weeks of gym time. Everyday is very important in the gymnastics world because everyday you are training for your competition season. Competitions are very important because every time you have a meet, the same judges are usually there. So, when you make it to States, Regionals, or Nationals they know to look out for you because they are aware of your talent. Also, girls from other gyms will know of you and that creates competition. There are lots of important benefits by doing gymnastics. Watch it on the upcoming Olympics 2012!